Top 5 Hackers Operating System
Top 5 Hackers Operating System
Top 5 Hackers Operating System
Many of you have a wish to hack something. It may be a facebook ID, Gmail ID or any Network. But you know there is something you have forget to start hacking skills. Yes. Hackers Operating system. What operating systems hackers use to hack. Windows! No. hackers operating system are different from windows. So, today I am here for you to tell you about hackers operating system.
Below are the Top 5 Hackers Operating System :
1. Kali Linux
OS family :- Unix-like
Working state :- Active
Latest release :- 2.0 (sana) / August 11, 2015
Platforms :- x86, x86-64, armel, armh
Kernel type :- Monolithic
License :- Various
Official website :-
Working state :- Active
Latest release :- 2.0 (sana) / August 11, 2015
Platforms :- x86, x86-64, armel, armh
Kernel type :- Monolithic
License :- Various
Official website :-
Kali Linux Operating Systems is a Debian-derived linux distribution designed for digital forensics (branch of forensic science encompassing the recovery and investigation of material found in digital devices, often in relation to computer crime )and penetration testing. It is preinstalled in nmap (a port scanner), wireshark (a packet analyzer), John the Ripper (a password cracker), Aircrack-ng (a software suite for penetratin-testing wireless LANs), Burp suite and OWASP ZAP (both web application security scanners).
You can run kali linux natively installing on a computer’s hard disk, can be booted from a live CD or live USB, or you can run it within a virtual machine.
It was developed by Mati Aharoni and Devon Kearns.Their previous forensics Linux distribution is Back Track based onn Ubuntu.
Kali Linux is available for BeagleBone Black, HP Chromebook, CubieBoard 2, CuBox, CuBox-i, Raspberry Pi, EfikaMX, Odroid U2, Odroid XU, Odroid XU3, Samsung Chromebook, Utilite Pro, Galaxy Note 10.1 and SS808.
It is the first Open source Android penetration testing platform for Nexus device.
You can run kali linux natively installing on a computer’s hard disk, can be booted from a live CD or live USB, or you can run it within a virtual machine.
It was developed by Mati Aharoni and Devon Kearns.Their previous forensics Linux distribution is Back Track based onn Ubuntu.
Kali Linux is available for BeagleBone Black, HP Chromebook, CubieBoard 2, CuBox, CuBox-i, Raspberry Pi, EfikaMX, Odroid U2, Odroid XU, Odroid XU3, Samsung Chromebook, Utilite Pro, Galaxy Note 10.1 and SS808.
It is the first Open source Android penetration testing platform for Nexus device.
2. BackBox
OS family :- Unix-like
Developer :- Raffaele Forte and others
Working state :- Active
Source model :- Open Source
Latest release :- 4.4 October 12, 2015
Platforms :- i386(x86), amd64(x86-64)
Kernel type :- Linux
Default user interface :- XFCE
License :- Free software licenses
official website :-
This Operating Systems Ubuntu-based Linux ditribution penetration test and security assessment oriented
It is an Ubuntu-based Linux ditribution penetration test and security assessment oriented. It provides a network and informatic system analysis toolkit. It includes a complete package for EH (Ethical Hacking) and Security testing.
Backbox main aim is that it provides an alernative, highly customizable and well performing system. It uses the light window manager Xfce.
Developer :- Raffaele Forte and others
Working state :- Active
Source model :- Open Source
Latest release :- 4.4 October 12, 2015
Platforms :- i386(x86), amd64(x86-64)
Kernel type :- Linux
Default user interface :- XFCE
License :- Free software licenses
official website :-
This Operating Systems Ubuntu-based Linux ditribution penetration test and security assessment oriented
It is an Ubuntu-based Linux ditribution penetration test and security assessment oriented. It provides a network and informatic system analysis toolkit. It includes a complete package for EH (Ethical Hacking) and Security testing.
Backbox main aim is that it provides an alernative, highly customizable and well performing system. It uses the light window manager Xfce.
Sep 9, 2010 BackBox Linux RC
Jan 3, 2011 BackBox Linux 1
May 5, 2011 BackBox Linux 1.05
Sep 3, 2011 BackBox Linux 2
Jan 2, 2012 BackBox Linux 2.01
Apr 24, 2012 BackBox Linux 2.05
Oct 24, 2012 BackBox Linux 3.0
Jan 23, 2013 BackBox Linux 3.01
May 23, 2013 BackBox Linux 3.05
Sep 20, 2013 BackBox Linux 3.09
Jan 16, 2014 BackBox Linux 3.13
Oct 11, 2014 BackBox Linux 4.0
Jan 29, 2015 BackBox Linux 4.1
Apr 27, 2015 BackBox Linux 4.2
Jul 20, 2015 BackBox Linux 4.3
Oct 12, 2015 BackBox Linux 4.4
Also Read: BackBox 4.5 Linux OS with New Hacking Tools
3. Arch Linux
OS family :- Unix-like
Developer :- Aaron Griffin and others
Working state :- Current
Source model :- Open source
Initial release :- March 11, 2002
Latest release :- 2015 10 1
Kernel type :- monolithic (linux)
License :- Free software
Official website :-
Arch Linux Operating Systems is a Linux distribution for computers based on IA-32 and x86 architectures. The development team follows the KISS principle (“Keep it simple, stupid”) as the guidlines. Arch focuses on simplicity of design it means that the main focus involes creating an environment that is simple, straightforward and relatively easey for the user to understand.
Arch linux can be run from CD or USB or using virtual machine.
Developer :- Aaron Griffin and others
Working state :- Current
Source model :- Open source
Initial release :- March 11, 2002
Latest release :- 2015 10 1
Kernel type :- monolithic (linux)
License :- Free software
Official website :-
Arch Linux Operating Systems is a Linux distribution for computers based on IA-32 and x86 architectures. The development team follows the KISS principle (“Keep it simple, stupid”) as the guidlines. Arch focuses on simplicity of design it means that the main focus involes creating an environment that is simple, straightforward and relatively easey for the user to understand.
Arch linux can be run from CD or USB or using virtual machine.
4. Samurai Web Security Framework
The Samurai Web Testing Framework is a live linux environment. It is used for web-testing environement. It has a number of tools pre-installed.
5. Parrot-sec Forensic
Parrot Security/ParroySec is a GNU or LINUX distrution based Debian OS. It was create in order to perform penetration tests. This Operating System has been Developed by Frozenbox’s Team.
OS family :- Unix-like based on Debian
Working state :- Active
Release :- 10 April 2013
Official website :-
OS family :- Unix-like based on Debian
Working state :- Active
Release :- 10 April 2013
Official website :-
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